Hello again dice chuckers! I do not update this blog very frequently, but you may be seeing quite a bit more activity over the course of the next several days. (I say may because despite all my intentions to try and update this more frequently… well, you know.)
My wife and I are currently staying with a friend in Nashua, NH and in a few hours we will be boarding a plane for Columbus, OH where we will spend some time with another friend before we all drive to Indianapolis, IN for the RPG Mecca that is GenCon 2013.
So, much as I did back in 2005 for my trip to the Origins game fair, I am going to try and document the experience. Expect lots of photos. I’m also hoping to throw in some thoughts about getting ready for a con, and how preparing for one-shot con games (or demos) is different than the typical game group adventure prep.
If anybody reading this is at (or will be at) GenCon, feel free to say hello. During the day when I am not running games, I will most likely be at the FASA Games booth.
For now, I’m going to sign off and do a little bit more game prep. The first lesson of convention adventure prep is don’t bite off more than you can chew. I will explain that later. For now… game on!